Firefly diarly
Firefly diarly

The true ending can only be obtained once you have seen all the memories (i.e seen the whole storyline) and only then will you see the true touching and beautiful ending. Once you have completed the main story, if you have not collected all of the memories throughout the chapters, many of which are very hidden and otherwise difficult to get to, you simply loop round and begin again. Here I will issue a mild spoiler warning before giving my final observation on this title. In a game where the difficulty was ramped up, a few more checkpoints certainly would have helped the gameplay feel more fluid. Deaths show a short gruesome cut scene followed by a few moments of loading before being sent back to checkpoints, often several challenges back, which felt too few and far between. htoL#NiQ: The Firefly Diary on the other hand epitomizes how frustrating this feeling can be. Games such as FEZ and The Cave do this perfectly, sending you slightly back within moments. This combined works to throw the player into the game with the sense of helping Mion trapped deep inside your Vita.Īcclaimed video game critic Yahtzee Crowshaw once stated that the level of frustration a player feels is equal to the time between a player's death and the time it takes to get back to that previous point.

firefly diarly firefly diarly

Lumen is controlled with the Vita's front touch pad and Umbra with the rear. htoL#NiQ: The Firefly Diary is also a delight in terms of immersion and innovation. It also improves upon LIMBO in terms of styles of play and environment which change vastly between chapters and keep things interesting. htoL#NiQ: The Firefly Diary also includes much loved boss battles to punctuate the end of each chapter, including a puzzle heavy final boss which delightfully massaged the achievement centers of my brain.


There is still a lot of trial and error, but often you know what to do and it is simply practicing the maneuvers to execute them exactly. The puzzles are maybe not as difficult mentally to work out as LIMBO's but are more focused on the players skill, moving between light and shadow and memory tasks. People who are fans of a challenge will relish in working their way through the main story. Memories found throughout the levels help piece together a notable story which is told perfectly all through gameplay and never through dialogue. The art style switches between the beautiful, dreamlike, anime style artwork that the Japanese are known for, and equally stunning 3D pixel art which separates memory from reality. However, it does improve on LIMBO in several significant ways. If the story of a young child working their way through a scary world, solving puzzles and dying in repeatedly gruesome ways reminds you of LIMBO, then that's because the game borrows heavily from it, including rotating saws, mind altering flora and moveable, child corpses. You play as two fireflies: Lumen who moves through the light and Umbra master of the shadows, who guide a young girl Mion through a dystopian future.

firefly diarly firefly diarly

Despite some niggles with the gameplay, the emotional story told perfectly, mixed with interesting puzzles, and inviting artwork makes this game a must buy for fans of the genre. Apart from my usual unrequited love for puzzle games, when I heard that there was an 2D indie puzzle platformer coming to the American market which combines beautiful artwork with innovative PS Vita touch pad controls, I was eager to get my hands on htoL#NiQ: The Firefly Diary.

Firefly diarly